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DIY Home Painting Tips

Home painting projects can make an incredible difference when selling or improving the aesthetics of your property, yet without proper guidance it can become time consuming and complex. DIY home painting may require patience and precision if done successfully. Here are a few helpful tips that can make painting your own home less daunting and more productive!

Before painting, always cover floors and furniture with canvas drop cloths to avoid paint splatters, while degreasers should be used in kitchens or mudrooms to remove grease or grime before you start painting.

Prep the Walls

Before beginning painting, there are some steps you can take that can make your job go more smoothly. Make sure that the wall is clean, patched and protected from splatters and drips – otherwise, it could result in lots of regret later.

Before painting, use a brush or vacuum with a brush attachment to remove dirt or dust from your walls, helping ensure your new paint adheres properly to them. If necessary, start washing them by applying a solution of warm water and detergent onto a sponge, gently scrubbing against them until all residues have been washed away using a cloth – make sure they dry completely afterwards!

Once your walls have been cleaned, use a putty knife and surfacing compound to fill any nail or screw holes on them. If any such holes were previously filled in, any existing patches will likely require further sanding prior to painting being applied over them.

Any woodwork in the room, such as skirting or door frames, should also be given a smooth finish with the help of a sanding block for better adhesion of paint to wood surfaces and to remove any rough patches on walls.

Before painting begins, cover any fixtures or furniture in the room with masking tape to avoid getting paint on any electrical outlet face plates or light switches. It is also wise to remove draperies or pictures hanging on walls before beginning your project.

Canvas drop cloths should also be laid down to protect floors from paint splatters and spills, with furniture moved into the center of the room before covering it with plastic sheets and tape to protect it from sanding dust. Spend more time prepping than painting! By following these DIY home painting tips you’ll save both money and time while enjoying an updated look for less!

Prime the Walls

Some surfaces, particularly those covered with glossy paint or enamel, require priming in order to get good adhesion between new layers of paint. Sanding or buffing these surfaces prior to priming will help the primer adhere more securely; when changing colors drastically it is often best to apply an initial coat of primer first; this ensures your basecoat comes out vibrant and true in hue.

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Primer can also help cover up flaws on a wall surface before you paint, such as crayon scribbles, grease spots or water stains that might show through lighter shades of paint. Take the time to use primer and sanding before applying your basecoat coat for best results.

Primer will help your new paint adhere to the walls, preventing peeling, cracking and bubbling issues. It is particularly helpful if your existing walls were glossy finishes; for best results, select a primer designed specifically for what type of paint you plan on using.

Priming isn’t always necessary when renovating a room, but you should always apply primer around trim, corners and any areas where there has been patching or repair work done. Furthermore, ceilings should also be primed before undertaking such projects.

To apply a fresh coat of primer, first dampen your brush or roller using either clean water (for latex primers) or paint thinner (for oil-based primers). Next, spread thin strips along the trim using your roller while maintaining wet edges as you go. Afterward, finish by rolling on all remaining walls using wet edges as much as possible in order to prevent lap marks.

Once the primer has set for several hours, it’s time to paint! Take your time and follow any drying time instructions listed on your paint can. Prime and prep before painting to maximize quality in your finished product – it makes a big difference.

Paint the Walls

Painting your home can be an effective way to refresh its decor or completely transform its appearance. Although painting might seem like an effortless project, there are a few basic painting principles you need to keep in mind before beginning this task. Prep work must also be conducted prior to any paint application so as to guarantee an even finish and professional results.

Make the painting process as efficient as possible by clearing away furniture, laying drop cloths, and using sugar soap to thoroughly cleanse walls before beginning painting. Mask around trim and sockets as protection from paint to avoid having to clean up later messes from being painted over and give a professional touch to your work.

Before embarking on any painting task, make sure that you have enough paint. Two coats should provide even coverage. Calculating your need can easily be done by multiplying the length by width. In case additional applications may be necessary later, have some extras on hand just in case!

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Once you know how much paint is necessary, purchase supplies. Selecting high-quality paint will have an enormous effect on the results; check online or local hardware stores for top quality options. Also ensure you purchase tools to do the job effectively such as high-grade brushes and tape that adheres properly to walls.

If you are painting over dark colors, using a primer first is advised. This will allow the new paint to cover over any darker hues without showing through, while also being less costly than actual paint.

When painting walls, take your time and work carefully. Rushing can lead to uneven results that leave unsightly spots behind; planning out paint strokes beforehand can also be helpful.

Paint the Trim

Painting baseboards, moldings and window frames makes a big impactful statement about a room, yet achieving stunningly painted trim may not always be straightforward.

As when painting walls, it’s wise to prepare your work area before beginning. Laying down drop cloths to protect floors can be an inexpensive and reusable way of avoiding messy clean-up later. Plastic or canvas tarps may also come in handy; using plastic sandwich bags secured with tape over doorknobs may help protect them as well.

To achieve optimal results when painting trim surfaces, start by priming them with an oil-based primer and painting over it after 24 hours has passed. If your finished trim should match that of your walls exactly, opt for oil-based paint as this dries more slowly for more durable results.

Once you are ready to begin painting, be sure to wear rubber gloves and eye protection. When using a brush, make sure that a lint-free cloth is handy to wipe off your brush after each stroke – this will prevent paint drying into nicks and creases that could leave unsightly brushmarks behind.

Load your brush with just enough paint so it is thick but heavy, without becoming so heavy as to drip when painting. Unload onto the surface quickly and smooth out, working towards your wall so as to minimize back-and-forth strokes.

Make sure that you use an excellent brush for trimming jobs, as these brushes require firmer grip and can pick up more paint than wall brushes. A 2-2.5″ to 2.5″ angled brush works perfectly for trimming projects. Once complete, make sure that you wipe off and store away the brush for several days so it can dry completely before touching again – this will ensure that the paint on the trim blends seamlessly with that on your walls instead of leaving an obvious line between them.