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Tips For Repairing Furniture

Restoring furniture to its former glory can give pieces new life. From scratches and loose joints, repairing wooden pieces from thrift stores or your own home can sustain wear over time – something repair experts can assist with.

Avoid using sanding furniture to hide scratches as this can damage its wood surface and alter its aesthetics. Instead, opt for an easy solution like using wax repair stick to cover up any flaws.


Wood furniture such as tables and cabinets can become damaged from scratches over time, detracting from its appearance. Even if your piece has small abrasions or heavier wear, using household products you can restore its look back to new.

An equal mixture of cooking oil and white vinegar is an effective solution for polishing away scratches on wood. Simply dip a cloth in the solution, rub it across damaged areas, allow it to penetrate for at least an hour before wiping and buffing away excess material. This approach works especially well on dark woods like oak and teak.

Apply a small amount of shoe polish directly onto the scratched surface of your wooden furniture and rub into it until the scratch has disappeared. This quick and easy repair solution works on light or dark finishes of wood alike!

Apply a thin coat of vaseline directly to any spots where dents or deep scratches exist and let it sit overnight; when morning arrives, simply wipe off and buff over any affected areas for best results.

For more severe damage, using light stains may be the solution. Similar to painting, simply dip a cloth into the stain and rub it onto the affected areas using an application method similar to painting; wipe away excess with a clean cloth before allowing the stain to dry for several hours before adding polyurethane or lacquer as an added protection layer to seal in and secure its repair and prevent further deterioration of your wood furniture.

Be mindful that deep scratches may gouge into the finish and damage the wood beneath, creating indentations you can feel when running your finger along its surface. In such instances, it may be necessary to refinish the entire piece in order to fix this problem.


Cracked furniture can be caused by children, pets, or simply wear and tear over time; there are various methods for fixing them. Small cracks may require superglue or wood-filler epoxy resin as this will secure broken pieces together for seamless finish; larger gaps may require filling with wood patch or plastic plastic to fill gaps between boards.

Before beginning to repair furniture, be sure to thoroughly clean the damaged area and clear away any debris. A craft knife or plastic applicator can be useful for spreading filler evenly; just apply more than you think you need as the filler shrinks slightly as it dries. Once applied, firmly press in a patch into any cracks or gouges in your furniture’s surface; if damage is severe enough, consider cutting and trimming pieces of wood specifically to fit inside the hole, giving a more natural appearance which can then be sanded down when dry, giving more natural-looking furniture repairs that will match surrounding wood once complete sanding once dry.

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Respirator masks should always be worn when working with epoxy, as it emits toxic fumes that can be hazardous to one’s health. Working in an airy space with adequate ventilation is also highly recommended as epoxy hardens quickly compared to glue; therefore it must be used quickly enough to fill gaps quickly before hardening completely and hardening into place. Once applied, use 220-grit sandpaper on the area so it blends with the rest of the furniture.

Once the wood has been sanded down to a smooth surface, you can stain it to match its surrounding environment – this final step in repairing wooden furniture will restore it back to looking brand new. Or if staining is not for you, painting or varnishing could protect against further damage while keeping its appearance beautiful for years. Be sure to inspect regularly for signs of wear or damage so as to prevent issues from developing further down the line.

Loose Joints

Chairs and tables require many joints that must be structurally sound in order for them to remain sturdy. Loose joints can cause long-term damage as they place undue stress on other pieces in their frame. Nails, screws and metal brackets may be added as fasteners to attempt to stabilize loose furniture joints; often these fasteners break the glue bond as well as cause additional stresses elsewhere on other joints; though these added fasteners may not always be easily removable, if given enough time it should be possible to disassemble them without harming other joints once removed the fasteners can be broken apart without damage occurring elsewhere on a piece. Once these fasteners have been removed it is possible re-glue and repair this joint!

Mortise and tenon joints are one of the most frequently seen joints found on chairs. This classic joinery technique requires one piece of wood (tenon) fitting into a square hole on another piece (mortise). Unfortunately, this joint can sometimes loosen due to expansion and contraction between different species of wood that comprise its pieces; cabinetmakers have come up with variations on this basic design which help hold together when glue fails: pegged mortise and tenon, offset pegged mortise and tenon, sliding dovetail and Fox-wedged mortise and tenon are all designed to keep tight connections.

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As long as the tenon is still present and closing tightly enough to allow adhesive bonding, you should be able to easily re-glue a loose mortise and tenon. However, if it has broken off entirely it may be necessary to saw open and recut a new one for it to fit properly if the old tenon doesn’t. Alternatively you may be required to replace its entirety with one made of doweling that matches in size but is longer.

Apply glue to this space and use a bar or web clamp to keep the joint tightly shut until the glue sets. Putty should match the surrounding wood color; alternatively squirting alcohol over it may “de-activate” any remaining glue and allow you to flush away old adhesive before re-gluing.


Stains on furniture can make it look unattractive, but they don’t have to be permanent. With some elbow grease and household products you can fix most stain problems easily. First, vacuuming will get rid of dirt or residue from previous stains as well as help prevent further stain spread across fabric fibers. Next, sprinkle baking soda or cornstarch and let it set for 15-20 minutes so as to help lift grease before using some dish soap and soft items such as toothbrushes to scrub at it before finally blotting clean with wet paper toweling for final touchup.

Water spots on wood furniture can be difficult to remove, particularly if water has penetrated its finish and reached deep within. You can try using steel wool to rub it out, but this may not always work; in more severe cases you may require complete refinishing of your piece of furniture.

Attempt to restore wood that has lost its natural color by applying a mixture of rottenstone and linseed oil to it. Rub gently; due to its harsh abrasive nature, don’t rub too aggressively; this may strip away its finish on affected areas so be sure that this mixture is applied in an adequately ventilated room.

Mineral spirits may help remove wax that has turned white and will restore shine to furniture surfaces. If this doesn’t do the trick, sanding down and refinishing may be required depending on the extent of staining on wood furniture types. Always read your furniture’s care instructions first for more specific instructions that could void warranties, as well as ways to prolong its longevity.