How To Remove A Door

How To Remove A Door

There are various cases in which you need to remove a door like sanding down rubbing edges, painting it, stripping it or laying down a brand new carpet. The problem is that you can easily end up marring the door or pinching your fingers when you do this. Marring floor or trims is also possible. Because of this, you do want to know how to properly remove the door.

The good news is that the process is really simple. All you really need is a pry bar, a flat blade screwdriver and a hammer. Most of these tools are around in a home. Before you call someone to help you, save some frustration and time and consider removing the door yourself by following the steps that are highlighted below. Removing doors does seem simple but it can be difficult, especially when the door is made out of solid wood or is simply heavy.

The very first step that you want to take is to latch the door after closing it. Remove hinge pins. You do this by tapping hinge pin bottom with a nail. Never try to drive pins out completely with this nail. This can damage trims when you use the hammer. After you see that they pop up around one inch, pull them out with the use of your fingers. If they do not come out easily, use the flat blade screwdriver to drive up on knuckle underside.

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Take a cardboard piece and put it under your door so that the floor is protected. Ease your door off hinges by simply lifting a little at the level of the knob with one of the hands. The other hand should be on a hinge. In the event that it is difficult to separate hinges as the door is too heavy, use the pry bar under your door to remove some of the hinge weight.

Now that you removed the door, you want to put it back on hinges. Take your door and grab it at its center. Tip it a little towards top, making sure that top hinge knuckles are engaged. When the door’s weight hangs on the top hinge, move it around so that the other hinges would fit. Push hinge pins into the hinge that first lines up. After that tap the pins that remained. When you see a hinge that is a little low and you see that hinges do not perfectly fit, use the pry bar under the door’s center and lever it up until everything levels properly. When you do this, do close your door as much as possible without the pry bar pushing it out or in.

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