
By Home master

Detecting and Solving Basement Plumbing Problems

Basement plumbing has unique requirements that are more challenging than any other room in the house. Bigger and more hazardous problems could arise from here primarily due to its location. Basement pipes and drains are very near the sewage line, which means that any leaks, molds or damages can be more serious and costly.

A basement is an entire room below the ground and is typically a place for the boiler, fuse box, water heater, furnace, air-conditioning system, and breaker panel among others. Most homes transform their basements into more functional rooms such as a gym, home office or bedroom.

The two most common plumbing problems in the basement are leaks and flooding. Nobody wants to be bothered by these since they are very inconvenient, expensive to fix and are a health risk to anyone living in the house. Leaks and flooding may both be due to faulty plumbing. Therefore, addressing a number of plumbing concerns solves the problems of leaks and floods.

flooded basement
By cursedthing under CC BY-ND 2.0

Four Reasons for Basement Leaks and Flooding


1.Water Heater Failure

One costly plumbing concern is when the water heater gets damaged. Every home in cold countries such as Canada, the United States, and Australia need a reliable water heating system and problems can need to bathroom remodeling. But when a system is not maintained properly and begins to fail, it could burst and produce leaks. The most major mechanical problem could be caused by the most minor reasons such as loose screws or rusty pipes.

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Families should regularly check for tell-tale signs that the water heater is beginning to fail. For instance, when the system stops producing water and begins to leak, produce stinky and rustywater, and make popping noises, then there is a problem.


2.Sump Pump Failure

Another major plumbing concern in the basement is sump pump failure. A sump pump is a small pump that helps keep the basement dry by pumping out floodwater and therefore preventingthe accumulation of water. But since it is installed at the lowest portion of the house, debris can accumulate around it over time and clog the pump.When clogged, the pump might not function properly when needed. A simple solution is to make the pump run every other month to make sure it is still working properly. It is easy to overlook the sump pump since it is hidden from view.


3.Ruptured Washing Machine Hoses

The third involves washing machine hoses. These, too, are easy to overlook since they are out of sight most of the time. Over time, the hoses could get clogged or ruptured, and therefore result to leaks that could flood the basement if left undetected.

Related Article:  Plumbing Cleaning Tips to Keep Your Drains and Pipes Clean


4.Clogged and Damaged Pipe

And finally, the most common reason for leaks and flooding are clogged or damaged pipes. Again, basement plumbing is made up of a network of crisscrossing pipelines, with a number of pipes hidden behind walls or underneath the sink. It is easy to ignore and overlook these pipes, as well as assume that they are working just fine primarily because they are hidden from view.

Detecting leaks doesn’t involve the expert skills of a professional plumber. One simply has to keep his ears open for any dripping sound, eyes open for any wet spot on the walls or floor, and nose on cue for any musky or moldy odor. The tiniest leaks should not be left unchecked for days. The solution could be as simple as tightening the joints, installing a rubber gasket or replacing one damaged pipe or valve.

A flooded, moist, leaky or moldy basement can be very costly. It is a health hazard and can reduce the resale value of even the most beautiful home. The beauty and functionally of one’s basement can be maintained by regularly performing simple routine plumbing checks.