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The Perfect Plants for a Summer Garden

Undoubtedly, summer temperatures are known to test both gardening experience and skills with plant casualties often being the end result. This is mainly attributed to the essentially rainless days during the summer or a failure to provide plants with adequate water during this brutally dry and hot season. Needless to say, those who have lost plants during the summer months will attest to this. Below, therefore, we take a look at 7 of the best plants to have in your summer garden that will have the highest probability of survival and still beautify your garden as follows:



These are tropical bulbs that naturalize easily and multiply through seeds and bulb creation. In addition, they come in a variety of colors and sizes that should fit almost every desire or need. Ideally, you should plant several varieties of cannas in order to ensure that flower production begins around spring time right up to the commencement of the summer months.


Dazzle lilies

These are a must for any summer garden especially due to the fact that they are usually at their best smack in the middle of summer when temperatures are above average and with no rainfall in sight. Dazzle lilies have long stems- usually up to 6 feet- and multiple large star blooms that are yellow in colour. Not only do they multiply rapidly, but they are also known to naturalize easily in sunny spots.

Related Article:  Top 5 Favorite Perennial Flowers For Enthusiastic Gardeners



This yellow-flowering shrub is renowned not only for its ability to withstand extreme drought and heat, but also for enduring harsh winters as well. Thryallis’ prolific nature means that gardeners are assured of flowers from about mid-spring right up to the hottest summer days and into the fall.



Appearing like a burst of flame or an explosion, firebush is a grouping of short, red tubular flowers whose ability to withstand direct sun and heat cannot be matched by many plants. This incredible summer survivor especially likes to show off its blooms during summer’s peak when it is at its most prolific.


By matthew Hunt from Bedford, United kingdom (Flickr) [CC-BY-2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
By matthew Hunt from Bedford, United kingdom (Flickr) [CC-BY-2.0], via Wikimedia Commons



Known to stand up well to long-term drought and extreme heat, the agave plant is available in a wide range of varieties and can provide your garden with a nice texture all year round. Additionally, this plant is recommended for those who wish to fill larger, open spaces as it can generate several additional plants every year.

Related Article:  Most Popular Garden Plant Types For A Cottage Garden


Firecracker plant

A perfect compliment to any summertime landscape or garden, the firecracker plant is a shrub that has dense foliage and which begins to bloom from late spring right up to the beginning of winter. Its flowers also closely resemble those of the firebush.


Mexican heather

Variously referred to as the false heather, the Mexican heather is a shrub that is characterized by among others fern-like foliage and numerous purple blooms that last all summer long. Its short size and durability in the summer make it ideal for planting at the front of the garden backed by taller trees or shrubs.


Remember that while most of the above listed plants ought to be planted prior to the season’s first frost, they should equally do as well when planted early in spring.