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Simple Tutorial On How To Install Kitchen Sink With Ease

The difficulty of the entire process is moderate and the process should take a maximum of 6 hours. The costs would be 50 to 300 dollars, based on sink type. You will be able to install kitchen sink features but the step below needs to be followed.

Keep in mind that the most difficult part of the process is connecting sink drains. It is important to start on sink tailpiece and then work down.


Kitchen Sink

Image courtesy of [Michelle Meiklejohn] /

  1. Laying Out Location

You have to mark back edge counter to sink centers within cabinets. In the event that the sink comes with a template, simply align it to trace areas. When you do not have a template, use two inch tapes in order to outline sink location. 1 and a half inches need to be left between backsplash and edge. Sinks should be parallel with edge counter.

  1. Marking Cut Lines On Counters

Use straightedges to connect marks. A rectangular outline will be the result of the process. Corners should be rounded off with the use of your hands and you need to approximate sink corner radius. Spade bits a little wider than jigsaw blades have to be used. Drill holes inside each corner radius.

  1. Cut The Sink Opening

Take the jigsaw blade and lower it into front holes. Saw right along lines and repeat on both sides. Lay wood scraps that are some inches longer than cutout across sink area. In order to prevent saw blade binding or falling, screw through scrap while going into cutout waste. If needed, trim holes if the sink does not fit properly in the countertop.

  1. Installing The Faucets
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Put the sink on padded sawhorses or on counters. Feed faucet supply tubing and then the tailpiece through gaskets that can seal sink faucets, then go through sink holes. Screw washers and mounting nuts on sink deck underside. Your faucet needs to swing by covering full arcs across sinks before the mounting nuts are tightened.

  1. Strainer Attachment

The sink still needs to be placed upside down. Take plumber putty and put a thick roll under strainer lip. Push that right through sink drain hole. Slip your washer, housing and gasket onto strainer against sink underside. Pipe joint compound should be dabbed onto exposed threads.

Use pliers to tighten locknut on strainer after threading while the strainer is held in place. Fit your gaskets onto sink drains and then attach everything to strainers with slip nut.

  1. Connect Waters Supply And Set The Sink

Remove all tape. Place the sink upside down, take silicone caulk and squeeze silicone caulk round sink lip. Turn your sink upright and then set it right into countertop hole. Make sure that sink front is parallel when compared with countertop front edge. If necessary, make adjustments. Connect your faucet to the shut-off valve and then use acorn head supply tubes. Alternatively, use stainless steel hoses.

  1. Connecting The Drain
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Take the trap adapter and assemble it onto sink drain tailpieces. Dry fit PVC pipes in order to connect the drain elbow to your waste line and the adapter with the traps. Slides or traps should be swiveled onto tailpieces in order to fine tune alignment and lengths. Drain pieces should be taken apart. Clean off cutting ends with utility knives. Coat the mating pieces and the ends with the use of PVC primer. Wait until it dries and then use PVC cement on the ends that are joined. Push the pieces together immediately and make sure that you hold for half a minute.

  1. Tidy Up After Attaching Dishwasher

If you want to add a dishwasher, you need to attach its line to tailpiece waste nib. You have to tighten hose clamps with screwdrivers after removing the excess putty from strainer lip. Faucet aerator has to be removed and then the water has to be blasted at full blast. You need to look for potential links along the drain and supply lines. If you see leaks, tighten nuts carefully with the use of 1/8 turns till the leaks will stop. Clean everything after you attach the dishwasher and you are done. Make sure that no leaks appear since this is highly important at the end of the day.